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Tag Archives: letting go

Letting go of expectations

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I truly believe that expectations are as poisonous to us as our negative self talk. To be honest, expectations is something I struggle with myself – not only the expectations I set for myself but the ones I set for those around me. I am a goal junkie, in fact, without a list to accomplish I am completely lost; but expectations and goals are two very different actions.

I try to face every day with a clean slate, wake up with a smile on my face and go out into the world with my head held high and my heart open wide but I always find as the minutes pass by, these expectations of what I should be accomplishing start to weasel their way into my mind. Call me a overachiever, a perfectionist – these words just seem to always push my expectations of myself and what I can accomplish even higher.

But at some point there is always a disconnect between being a productive human being and just beating yourself up – I walk that fine line every day with some days turning out better than others; but I am trying to simply accept that as long as I have tried my hardest, put forth my personal best, that is more than even I can ask for.

And although I know that Rome wasn’t built-in 1 day it’s all about finding the balance of accomplishing all the amazing things I see in my future without the constant loom of ‘what I should have accomplished’ hanging over my head, instead it really is a process of acceptance.

xo nicki